Client Intake Form

If you are a new client, we need a copy of your driver’s license and tax information for all family members, including complete names, DOB & SS#s

    Year of Tax returns

    Are you a new client?

    Have you or your spouse been a victim of Identity Theft and have you been contacted by the IRS?
    Please include the 6-digit PIN issued by the IRS.


    Did you have healthcare coverage for you, your spouse, and any dependents?

    Please provide copies of all 1095’s received.

    Has your marital status changed?
    Are you legally married?
    Has there been any change of dependents?
    Have you taken any classes in 2024?
    Have you made any contributions to charities?
    Did you or your spouse pay any student loans?
    Did you buy or sell any property in 2024?
    Did you make any energy improvements to?

    Please provide copies of all closing documents/HUD statements.

    Did you have any lottery winnings?
    Did you have a cancellation of any debts?
    Did you sell any investments in 2024?
    Did you buy or sell any crypto currency?
    Did you pay or receive any alimony in 2024?
    Did you pay any childcare expenses?
    Did you or a child attend college?

    If YES, please provide a 1098-T and an Expense report/Bursar report

    Did you or your spouse incur any casualty or loss as a result of a federally declared disaster?
    Did you receive any unemployment in 2024 (have you included a copy of the 1099)?

    How do you want to file?

    There are two ways to receive your refund: